Four Months Old

FOUR MONTHS OLD😭 Isla Grace.. now weighs 14lb1oz! She loves her swing to sleep in, her bouncer, laying on the rug, her toys especially her little blue squeaky hippo and sucking on his ears, snuggles with mummy and daddy, watching the TV, people making her jump/playing peekaboo or talking/singing to her and to be bounced. She loooves chewing her hands and everything else she can get in her mouth😂. She can now belly laugh (cutest thing EVER), has found her feet, grabs toys intentionally and will look in the direction of specific sounds. She goes to sleep between 9-9:30 and sleeps until 8am or at 4:30 has a 5 minute feed then wakes around the same time. She generally has a 30 minute sleep in the morning from 9:30-10 and sleeps from around 1-2/3 in the afternoon. Just put her into size 3 nappies because of some explosions😂 and starting to grow out of some 0-3 month clothes and fit into some 3-6 clothes. Still exclusively breast fed and loves to comfort feed🤱🏼. She’s such a little character and so cheeky, smiley and chatty. The happiest baby ever. Absolutely love watching her learn and grow, soaking in every moment of her being tiny💛

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