3 Weeks Old


-She watches the TV and is awake much more often

-Follows her big sister with her eyes when shes talking to her


She was having fussy time until her dream feed that would last until 9:30pm, then would sleep for 4 hours (1:30am) and then wake at 4:30 and then between 7:30-8:30 but we started with a growth spurt the day before 3 weeks old and she was up basically all night🙈 hoping she goes back to that dreamy routine!


Still exclusively breast fed. Feeds usually around every 2 1/2 hours generally other than when she cluster feeds between 6 and 9:30pm. This has been very different since the growth spurt and I don’t get more than an hour between feeds at the moment.

Things she loves

-Watching TV

-Looking into daddy’s glasses at herself

-When Ella sings to her


-Laying on your chest and being cuddled

Things she hates

-Having her clothes changed


She has just grown into tiny baby clothes. Into size 1 nappies now. Weighed 7lbs 3oz at 3 weeks🤍

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